Monday, July 26, 2021

Lo-Melt and Grace Reunited!


Lo-Melt and Grace Reunited!

After several weeks at camp, Grace returns to find that Lo-Melt is none the worse for wear. Using her newfound counseling skills, she convinces him to "Keep calm, and lean on Oppa and CoroSensei for support in his time of need". As she prepares to return to camp for another week, its anyone's guess how we'll get along without her.

Eva and Savannah spent their time ensuring that Lo-Melt know the wifi password. He doesn't really have a device at this time, but he'll be ready!

Of course if there's already enough time on the internet, there's always time to do the dishes...

The ladies don't like this idea very much

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Its the BOMB!

 Week of 7/10/2021

What are we going to do without Grace in the house? The throwdown while Grace is off at summer camp continues!

After a long hiatus without Grace, Lo-Melt has decided it's time to bug bomb the basement. Lately, he's been a little itchy in the seams. Setting this off means that everybody has to leave the house for a few hours, and then air out the basement for a few hours afterward. Still, it's a small price to pay to keep the dust mites at bay.  

Of course, that means the crew (left to right, top to bottom) of Serius O'Lion Black, Horse, Coro Sensei, Lo-Melt, Tigger, and white kitty had to be off the floor. These old houses mean the boards might not be as close together as we'd like. Better to have the whole bed to themselves than to start coughing 

Eva and Lo-Melt got some nice time together watching netflix and youtube in their 1.5hrs per day of unsupervised computer time. Ahahahahahha! Sure, 1.5hrs alone, sure only 1.5hrs. Doesn't count Freckle math or IXL time of course!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lo-Melt hits the Depot

Today, November 1st, Lo-Melt went to the Home Depot with the girls in an effort to build skills and confidence!

 Lo-Melt smiles with Eva while grace applies the bunny ears.

OK, catching on to the ears now...

 Lo-Melt and Grace apply the stickers to their festive holiday napkin holders.

A small celebration over the finished products, while Lo-Melt smiles politely. 

 Where is Jessica? Picking out foam letters of course.

The girls were given their "10-project-pin", although they both have over 20 each. A good time was had by all.  :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Grace goes to a Birthday Party at PUMP IT UP!

Grace and Lo-Melt are nearly vibrating with anticipation outside the entrance to Pump It Up!

After a short video, the whole crew is ready to party down!

There ain't no party like a Pump It Up party. In an effort to celebrate Keelyn's birthday, Grace and Lo-Melt went out to have a great time.

The Kids catch Michelle by surpise...

Now everybody is smiling.

And Kaden is on the move!

Grace pioneered a new way to climb up the running ramp by pinching the fabric in her fingers and climbing up with the velcro flag in her mouth.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lo-Melt and Mom Think Deep Thoughts Together

From time to time, Mom will take a break and enjoy some time to just think some deep thoughts. Lo-Melt chose to tag along on one of these dreamy, mystical, thought-journeys.

Let's wave to the people shall we? We shall.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Grace and Eva Go to the Back To School BBQ

What could be more exciting than Barbeque in the South? Perhaps only a barbeque at your school, and right at the playground to boot!

Even Eva decided to get in on the good time. Barbeque, or Prunes? You be the judge!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Lo-Melt Visits Grandma with the Whole Family

Going to visit Grandma is always a good time. There's nothing more exciting and cool than hanging out with family. No. Really.

Cricket comes down to pay us a great visit. Its always nice to see a happy dog.

Mom enhoys a cold one while we discuss dessert and salad dressings.

Is it time to get a little bit CRAZY yet?

OK, let's go crazy now.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Grace's First Day in Kindergarten!

Grace prepares for her first day of school on a dark and stormy morning... A kiss for luck and she's on her way. This year is the first year that Grace wears the school uniform. She's very excited about the jumper. I guess we'll see just how long this exciting this will stay...

Every Great day starts with a great breakfast, and today is no exception.

A quick photo with Mom, and she's on her way!

Might as well give a smile, I mean— how many chances are you gonna have to use your yellow umbrella.

Everybody remembers me... Things are definitely looking up!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Grace and Lo-Melt Return to Gold Park

After their fantastic tour de force with the bikes yesterday, Grace and Lo-Melt returned to Gold Park to play on the playground equipment. They didn't really have a great chance yesterday because they were too hot and tired.

Grace even posed slightly for this picture. She's Waaaaaaay in the background there.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lo-Melt and Grace Go to Gold Park

Lo-Melt and Grace decided to practice their balance by riding in Gold park. On a calm, 103 degree day, Grace noted she couldn't stay inside any longer without going crazy.

Lo-Melt Helped to keep balance by riding in the front basket.

Maybe if I do a good job, we can watch a movie afterward?

Maybe TWO movies afterward?

Grace got too hot after our ride, and needed to have a long drink of cool water.

Lo-Melt was just too exhausted to do anything else than sleep.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lo-Melt and Mom Share Some Quiet Time

Lo-Melt just loves these bodice-ripper classics!

We're just at the part where the third body falls out of the closet!

A quiet joke elicits quite a response.